2172 Pan American E. Rd.

San Diego, CA 92101



House of Spain Scholarships

This scholarship was established by the House of Spain, Casa de España in San Diego (hereafter abbreviated as HOS,CDESD) for a member or a family member of said organization to continue to enhance his or her knowledge and appreciation of Spain.

This scholarship provides financial assistance to a deserving student who is pursuing his/her post high school education.

$1000 paid in two installments of $500 each

Application Deadline is July 1st

Alan Morales, 2019 HOS Scholarship awardee recipient

To be eligible students must meet the following criteria:

1. Must be accepted/enrolled in an accredited college/community college or university.

2. Must have demonstrated a GPA of at least 3.0 (A=4, B=3 etc.) in high school or in college if enrolled in college.

3. Must have demonstrated Community Involvement.

4. Must be a member, son or daughter, granddaughter or grandson of a member of HOS,CDESD. (Current membership for a minimum of 2 years required).

Application should be made electronically to hossd7@gmail.com. Completed applications and all required supporting documents must be received by 4:00pm on JULY 1. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

All completed applications that meet eligibility requirements will be reviewed by a committee composed of officers and members of the HOS, CDESD.

GPA: 35 points maximum

350 word Essay (described below): 35 points maximum

One letter of recommendation from teacher, faculty or community member: 30 points maximum

Scholarship recipients will be notified when the scholarship committee has reviewed all applications. All applications must be complete, incomplete applications will not be considered.

Recipients will be notified by 20 August.

Applicants are requested to submit the following documentation:

1. The most recent transcript of grade point average.

2. A completed application –biographical questionnaire.

3. One letter of recommendation from faculty or community member

4. A well-written, typed 350 word essay – TOPIC: “Describe the value of the HOS,CDESD in the community of San Diego.