Newsletter – May 2022
![Newsletter – May 2022](
May, 2022
Dear HOS Members, We still do not know if the Ethnic Food Fair will take place at the end of May, due to some delays between the Parks and Recreations and the House of Pacific Relations. We will let you know by email as soon as we know.
I want to congratulate everybody that helped in the Cervantes Festival. San Diego/Alcala Sister City Society and House of Spain did a magnificent job putting together this event, thank you to all of you that made this possible. This success would have not been possible without each of your hard work and cooperation!
I want to congratulate Estrella Diaz Sánchez (ex-Board member of the HOS in San Diego) for her new position in the “Smart Tourism Destinations” in the European Union and an award by the Regional Government of Castilla La Mancha. Read more in the two articles below.
Next month, on Saturday 14 of May, HOS will have a presentation by Dr. Scott Dale, Professor of Spanish Literature from the University of Marquette, Wisconsin, on “Origins of Innovative Modernity in Spain: The Elusive 18th Century”. More information will be available by email and on our website.
Also, in the month of June, we will have two presentations by Dr. Joaquin Anguera, one in Spanish on June 4, the other in English on June 18, the subject: “Aging Issues Seem to Take Center Stage”. More information will be available by email and on our website.
For those of you that know Spanish, I recommend that you read the “CARTA DE HERNAN CORTES AL PRESIDENTE DE MEJICO” published in the Diario de Cadiz by Jesus Maeso de la Torre. The link is further down in this newsletter.
Charla sobre Dra Ángeles Alvariño
El día 2 de abril tuvo lugar en la House of Spain, Casa de España de SD (HOSSD) la charla que impartió Ángeles Leira sobre su madre la Dra. Ángeles Alvariño.
La charla fue organizada por el CRE-LA en colaboración con HOSSD La charla fue todo un éxito, y muy amena. Ángeles habló sobre su madre a título personal, relatando la vida de su madre desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte, y explicando su trayectoria como científica. Los invitados participaron activamente con preguntas. Después de la charla hubo un piscolabis en la que una vez más participaron los asistentes a la charla, compartiendo sus mejores claros y una copita de vino.
El CRE LA quiere agradecer a Ángeles Leira, a la Casa de España en SD (HOSSD) y a todos los asistentes por tan exitoso evento.
La profesora de la UCLM Estrella Díaz es elegida experta en turismo inteligente por la Comisión Europe
La Comisión Europea ha seleccionado a la profesora de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) Estrella Díaz Sánchez dentro del grupo de diez expertos en el ámbito del turismo, la digitalización y la gestión de datos que participará en el proyecto ‘Smart Tourism Destinations’ (Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes). Se trata de una iniciativa pionera en Europa y tiene como objetivo principal crear las directrices que debenseguir los destinos turísticos en el territorio europeo para ser inteligentes.
Read more here and here.
“España admitió a la América india en su modelo de sociedad, extremo este que jamás concibieron los franceses, ingleses u holandeses en sus colonias” según Jesus Maeso de la Torre. Read more.
The Board of Directors of the House of Spain greatly appreciate the $500.00 anonymous donation from a member of the HOS. This person recognizes and supports the work that HOS does and provides to this community and visitors from all over the world, with historical and local information. Thank you for your generous contributions!
We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.
Jesus Benayas