Newsletter – May 2021

May, 2021
Dear HOS Members,
I hope that all of you are doing well and many if not all have been vaccinated against the covid-19. The State of California and San Diego County have been making great progress with the vaccine and there is talk with the City about the possibility of reopening the cottages (casitas) with some restrictions.
Below is the information that we received from the HPR president:
1. As of now, those Houses that want to open up and invite 1-2 guests into the cottage at a time may do so. The Host and the guest will need to wear a mask and there is no serving of food. Again, this is for those that want to.
2. Lawn programs are not allowed until June 15th. That is the day that we expect the restrictions to be lifted. Since participants at our lawn program come from different families and are free to mingle (do not sit in designated spots) we do not have permission to host any programs until then.
3. The HPR as a whole will reopen the 4th of July weekend and will be open normal hours from then on. That means that everyone will be open from July 2nd on and the first lawn program that Must happen is the House of USA. At that time, the old normal rules should apply.
4. I know some of you were hoping to have a lawn program earlier, but this is the best we can do based on the situation.
5. I was very appreciative with the City’s understanding that we needed some time to plan and set up our opening schedule. I expect that most of us will open before the 2nd of July, but there is plenty of time now to find volunteers and set up a new schedule.
The following information was put together by Olivia Kosakoff and Consuelo Porto and is for those members that have Spanish Citizenship, are registered in the Spanish Consulate in Los Angeles, and would like to vote for the CRE:
Solicite su voto rogado a través del Consulado de España en Los Angeles.
Más información:
Mas información sobre el CRE:
Primero: Una página web que explica qué es el CRE:
Segundo: El link de la información publicada hasta fecha de hoy, en la página del Consulado de España en Los Ángeles:
Tercero: Un video de Youtube hecho por el CRE de Alemania en el que españoles “de a pie” directamente explican por qué es beneficioso tener un CRE:


A Premier Humanities Research Journal at the University of California, Berkeley
Date: June 1, 2016 Author: ucbcluj
By David R. Gayton
In the wake of recent events across the Southwest I would simply like to share a letter written in 1883 by Walt Whitman in commemoration of the 333rd anniversary of the founding of Santa Fe.
To Messrs. Griffin, Martinez, Prince, and other Gentlemen at Santa Fe:
Your kind invitation to visit you and deliver a poem for the 333d Anniversary of founding Santa Fe has reach’d me so late that I have to decline, with sincere regret. But I will say a few words offhand.
We Americans have yet to really learn our own antecedents, and sort them, to unify them. They will be found ampler than has been supposed, and in widely different sources. Thus far, impress’d by New England writers and schoolmasters, we tacitly abandon ourselves to the notion that our United States have been fashion’d from the British Islands only, and essentially form a second England only — which is a very great mistake. Many leading traits for our future national personality, and some of the best ones, will certainly prove to have originated from other than British stock. As it is, the British and German, valuable as they are in the concrete, already threaten excess. Or rather, I should say, they have certainly reach’d that excess. To-day, something outside of them, and to counterbalance them, is seriously needed.
The seething materialistic and business vortices of the United States, in their present devouring relations, controlling and belittling everything else, are, in my opinion, but a vast and indispensable stage in the new world’s development, and are certainly to be follow’d by something entirely different — at least by immense modifications. Character, literature, a society worthy the name, are yet to be establish’d, through a nationality of noblest spiritual, heroic and democratic attributes — not one of which at present definitely exists — entirely different from the past, though unerringly founded on it, and to justify it.
To that composite American identity of the future, Spanish character will supply some of the most needed parts. No stock shows a grander historic retrospect — grander in religiousness and loyalty, or for patriotism, courage, decorum, gravity and honor. (It is time to dismiss utterly the illusion-compound, half raw-head-and-bloody-bones and half Mysteries-of-Udolpho, inherited from the English writers of the past 200 years. It is time to realize — for it is certainly true — that there will not be found any more cruelty, tyranny, superstition, &c., in the resume of past Spanish history than in the corresponding resume of Anglo-Norman history. Nay, I think there will not be found so much.)
Then another point, relating to American ethnology, past and to come, I will here touch upon at a venture. As to our aboriginal or Indian population — the Aztec in the South, and many a tribe in the North and West — I know it seems to be agreed that they must gradually dwindle as time rolls on, and in a few generations more leave only a reminiscence, a blank. But I am not at all clear about that. As America, from its many far-back sources and current supplies, develops, adapts, entwines, faithfully identifies its own — are we to see it cheerfully accepting and using all the contributions of foreign lands from the whole outside globe — and then rejecting the only ones distinctively its own — the autochthonic ones?
As to the Spanish stock of our Southwest, it is certain to me that we do not begin to appreciate the splendor and sterling value of its race element. Who knows but that element, like the course of some subterranean river, dipping invisibly for a hundred or two years, is now to emerge in broadest flow and permanent action?
If I might assume to do so, I would like to send you the most cordial, heartfelt congratulations of your American fellow-countrymen here. You have more friends in the Northern and Atlantic regions than you suppose, and they are deeply interested in the development of the great Southwestern interior, and in what your festival would arouse to public attention.
Very respectfully,
Walt Whitman,
CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY, July 20, 1883.
HOS Scholarship
This scholarship has been established by the House of Spain, Casa de España in San Diego for a member or a family member of said organization to continue to enhance his/her knowledge and appreciation of Spanish history and culture and to serve as an ambassador for Spain. The scholarship is for $1,000 paid in two installments of $500 each. For applications and more information please download the information flyer and the Scholarship application form from the HOS, CDESD website.
Please feel free to reach out to us at any time.
I sincerely thank you for your support and membership,
Stay healthy, Salud!
Jesus Benayas