Newsletter – June 2022

June, 2022
Dear HOS Members, The House of Pacific Relations (HPR) did not get the city permit for the Ethnic Food Fair (EFF) so there will not be EFF on the Memorial Day weekend. However, due to some of the members asking about when we were going to have paella available, HOS will cook one paella on Saturday 28 of May for those of you that would like to come and buy the paella at the casita. Paella will be ready and available for sale from 11:00 AM until it is all sold out. Some of you may remember when we celebrated the Battle of San Diego Bay (BOSDB) inside the Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL), at the base of the Fort Guijarros Museum plaque monument, with the 1803 Flags of Spain and the United States.
This year we will have a small version of the BOSDB on Saturday 11 of June at NOON. The NBPL CEO has given us the approval for this event and the Consul General of Spain in Los Angeles has accepted to come. HOS will be sending the information to our members, and we will need you to RSVP to the email in June. We will need the first names and last names of the persons that are planning to come so they will be allowed into the NBPL. This event will be much smaller that previous years, and there will be NO PAELLA OR DANCES, JUST A CEREMONY AND GET TOGETHER AT THE NBPL.

House of Spain wants to thank Dr. Scott Dale (Marquette University) for his extraordinary presentation on the Origins of Innovative Modernity in Spain: The elusive 18th Century (this past Saturday, May 14, 2022) at the casita.
Also, our most gracious thank you to Mrs. Gemma Dale for the excellent sangria and tapas that she provided for the attendees after the conference. The video of the conference is available to see on this link: Thank you, David Buenaventura, for making the video and putting it on YouTube! House of Spain gave Dr. Dale a book copy of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo (JRC), by Dr. Wendy Kramer. Scott was not aware that 1500’s original documents had been found proving that JRC was born in Spain.

Aging Issues Seem to Take Center Stage
Please join us on these two presentations at the casita, on Saturday 4 and Saturday 18 of June, Dr. Joaquin Anguera, Gerontologist, will be giving presentations on “Aging Issues”.
“Note that there are two different, complementary, topics. Given that some of our membership feels more comfortable with Spanish, we will have the first talk in this language and the second one in English” RSVP is required, so please let us know if you will be coming to only one or both presentations. You will receive a separate email to make this reservations.
San Agustín (Florida) se llenó de banderas españolas el pasado fin de semana
Así celebró su 450 aniversario la ciudad más antigua de los EEUU continentals
El español que descubrió las fuentes del Nilo Azul
Cinco películas anglosajonas cargadas de Leyenda Negra y errores históricos sobre los españoles
El Congreso deroga el voto rogado y pacta un nuevo sistema para votar en el extranjero en las próximas generales
· Elimina el requisito de rogar el voto y amplía los centros, horarios y días para la votación en urna
· La proposición de ley se elevará ahora al Pleno del Congreso para su aprobación en junio y su posterior remisión al Senado
We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.
Jesus Benayas