2172 Pan American E. Rd.

San Diego, CA 92101



Newsletter – July 2022

Newsletter – July 2022

July, 2022

Dear HOS Members,
This month, on Saturday 16 of July at 6:30 PM, I will be giving a presentation at the casita on the History of the Cabrillo National Monument. To me, it is an amazing history, if you think you know the facts, I assure you that most of you don’t. How many of you have read the thesis by Susan Collins Lehmann that she wrote and was published by the Cabrillo Historical Association in 1987? The title of the thesis: An Embarrassment of Riches.
This document can be found at the National Park Service (NPS) website below. An Embarrassment of Riches, The Administrative History of Cabrillo National Monument that relates to how people in the community, and other places, on purpose changed the nationality of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo as Portuguese.
I hope that you can make it, and do not forget to make a reservation, since sitting is limited, rsvp2hos@gmail.com

Battle of San Diego Bay Ceremony

After three years of not being able to have this event, due to the covid-19 pandemic, finally last month we celebrated once again the Battle of San Diego Bay at the Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL). Captain Kenneth R. Franklin, Consul General of Spain in Los Angeles, Juna Carlos Sanchez Alonso, Consul Honorary of Spain in San Diego, Rosaura Picasso Marrow, and her husband Larry Morrow, Spanish Naval officer Commander Eduardo Almazan and his wife Maria Jose Noguerol, Spanish Army Major Aurelio Hinarejos Rojo and his wife Sandra Rebok, members of the House of Spain and members of several organizations for present at this event. We want to thank the NBPL for their consistent support that they gave us since 1978 in commemorating this historical event at the Fort Guijarros site. Major Hinarejos Rojo was the Keynote Speaker who is from the same branch of the Spanish Army Corp of Engineers that was Alberto de Cordoba, in charge of the defenses in California and designer of the original Fort Guijarros in 1787. 

Special thanks to Maruja and Bob Williams for their support of shopping and setting up a very nice tapas and drinks area at the Smugglers Cove Park where people congregated after the ceremony to mingle, talk and meet each other. Thank you all for your cooperation!


Aging Issues Seem to Take Center Stage

Collage from the extraordinary presentations last Saturday 4 and Saturday 18 of June, by Dr. Joaquin Anguera, Gerontologist. The topics were excellent, the conversation very real on today’s issues for older people, and the reality of those of us that live a long-life eye opening. Thank you, Joaquin!

The Board of Directors (BOD) of the House of Spain (HOS), want to thank Ms. Elena Stonehouse and Ms. Carmen Jativa for their participation representing the HOS in the House of Pacific Relations (HPR) in the past 2021-2022 year!

We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.

Jesus Benayas