2172 Pan American E. Rd.

San Diego, CA 92101



Newsletter – December 2022

Newsletter – December 2022

December, 2022

Dear HOS Members, 
One more time I want to thank you for giving me your confidence and vote for me to continue one more year as the President of our organization.  

I want to give credit to Henry Herms for all his work and great job of putting together all the logistics, creating the Election Packet (that was sent to all the members), conducting the voting process, and keeping track of all the results. Thank you, Henry, for your dedication and work to the House of Spain!  

Also, a BIG THANK YOU to Maruja Williams for arranging the buying and set up of the tapas and drinks after the elections. They were magnificent! 

These were the election results: 

President: Jesus Benayas 
Vice-president: Pedro Romon-Diaz 
Secretary: Ignacio de Castro Pérez 
Treasurer: David Buenaventura 
Directors: Maruja Williams, Ana Ocampo Rebollar, and Philip Hinshaw.

If you would like to serve as a director next year, please contact  

secretary@houseofspainsd.org We need to select at least 3 more directors.

Thank you to all who attended or sent your proxies, 

I hope that all of you continue to be well and healthy and have a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023!!! 

Researchers in Galicia open 15th-century tomb to test Columbus link theory

Explorer is generally believed to have been born in Italy in 1451 but some argue he was in fact born in Spain

I hope that you had a Happy Thanksgiving Day! 

But remember who were the first.  One in Florida (1565), one in Texas (1598).  Both were Hispanic.

The Spanish celebrated it with the Native Americans, 50 years before the arrival of the English. 

And it was in St. Augustine in Florida. The first European colony with a permanent population in the U.S. 

Read more:

Sons of the American Revolution (SDSAR)Information Booth in Balboa Park

The San Diego Chapter hosted an information booth Sunday, October 9, 2022, in Balboa Park near the House of USA. We were there to support the House of Spain’s Lawn Program that featured a paella luncheon and live music on the stage that afternoon. We had a steady flow of people at our booth all day with many interested in learning more about Spain’s involvement in our war for independence. The interest picked up after Jesus Benayas, President of the House of Spain, spoke tothe crowd on why SAR was present, and the role Spain played in the Revolutionary War. Our Color-Guard-Commander, Duncan Campbell gave many demonstrations on the proper handling and characteristics of the Brown Bess musket. We had a few serious inquiries about becoming a member and a few teachers stop by and discuss the history of the war with a couple of them very interesting in using our material in their classroom. SDSAR participants; Duncan & Carolyn Campbell, Gary & Judy Newton, Jim McAdory, John Walker along with this wife and children

We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.

Jesus Benayas