October, 2020
Dear HOS Members,
I hope that all of you continue to be well and healthy, as we continue to navigate the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last month the Paella Membership Appreciation Event was well received, and we were incredibly happy with the member responses. Some members used the occasion to have a picnic at the park! See photos below.
Also, Monday 28 of September was the 478 anniversary of the Spanish explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo landing in what today is the San Diego Bay. HOS arranged a small event at the Cabrillo National Monument (CNM) to commemorate the occasion. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, CNM limited the number of attendees to 10 people, having to use masks and social distance (except for the photos).
The Honorary Consul of Spain Rosaura Picasso, Spanish Navy Captain Jose Guillermo Varela and myself made small remarks after we placed a bouquet of flowers by the plaque. See photos below.
Please pay attention to the HOS email and website for important information on the next elections of the HOS in November. See documents with information at the end of this NEWSLETTER that were sent to all the members via email.
I will keep you posted regarding the re-opening of House of Spain. Please feel free to reach out to us at contact@houseofspain.org any time.
I sincerely thank you for your support and membership, Stay healthy, Salud!
Jesus Benayas