2172 Pan American E. Rd.

San Diego, CA 92101



Message from the President – August 2020

Message from the President – August 2020

August 2020

Dear HOS Members,
I hope that all of you continue to be well and healthy, as we continue to navigate the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is with great pleasure to announce that we finally have an Honorary Consul General of Spain in San Diego! Her name is Rosaura M. Picasso. Congratulations Rosaura! Her office information is as follows:


3505 Camino del Rio South, San Diego, CA 92108 
Teléfono: (619) 265-8800 ​
Email: consulhon.espana.es@gmail.com​

To see more information and the type of things that she will be able to help you, please visit:
Rosaura is originally from Cordoba, Spain. Not too far from where Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo (discoverer of San Diego Bay in 1542) was born. I think this is very appropriate for San Diego. Good luck Rosaura in your new post.

HOS Board of Directors (BOD) continues working to maintain our organization active, by doing the work that it requires to keep our organization active and in legal status. Also, the BOD continues having our monthly meeting through video conferences via ZOOM.

Recently, HOS has been sending emails to our members to make sure that we have your correct email, so we can update our date base and keep you posted on any changes that we may have to do if we are not able to meet at the casita in November for our General Assembly. If you have not responded to these emails, please do so. More information will be coming in the coming months and we want to make sure that you receive them.

I will keep you posted regarding the re-opening of House of Spain.
I encourage you to contact us if you’d like to volunteer to help others during this difficult time.

Please feel free to reach out to us at contact@houseofspainsd.org anytime.
I sincerely thank you for your support and membership,

Stay healthy, Salud!
