House of Spain in San Diego Welcome to the House of Spain Thu, 29 Dec 2022 18:43:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 House of Spain in San Diego 32 32 Newsletter – December 2022 Thu, 29 Dec 2022 18:38:19 +0000

December, 2022

Dear HOS Members, 
One more time I want to thank you for giving me your confidence and vote for me to continue one more year as the President of our organization.  

I want to give credit to Henry Herms for all his work and great job of putting together all the logistics, creating the Election Packet (that was sent to all the members), conducting the voting process, and keeping track of all the results. Thank you, Henry, for your dedication and work to the House of Spain!  

Also, a BIG THANK YOU to Maruja Williams for arranging the buying and set up of the tapas and drinks after the elections. They were magnificent! 

These were the election results: 

President: Jesus Benayas 
Vice-president: Pedro Romon-Diaz 
Secretary: Ignacio de Castro Pérez 
Treasurer: David Buenaventura 
Directors: Maruja Williams, Ana Ocampo Rebollar, and Philip Hinshaw.

If you would like to serve as a director next year, please contact We need to select at least 3 more directors.

Thank you to all who attended or sent your proxies, 

I hope that all of you continue to be well and healthy and have a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023!!! 

Researchers in Galicia open 15th-century tomb to test Columbus link theory

Explorer is generally believed to have been born in Italy in 1451 but some argue he was in fact born in Spain

I hope that you had a Happy Thanksgiving Day! 

But remember who were the first.  One in Florida (1565), one in Texas (1598).  Both were Hispanic.

The Spanish celebrated it with the Native Americans, 50 years before the arrival of the English. 

And it was in St. Augustine in Florida. The first European colony with a permanent population in the U.S. 

Read more:

Sons of the American Revolution (SDSAR)Information Booth in Balboa Park

The San Diego Chapter hosted an information booth Sunday, October 9, 2022, in Balboa Park near the House of USA. We were there to support the House of Spain’s Lawn Program that featured a paella luncheon and live music on the stage that afternoon. We had a steady flow of people at our booth all day with many interested in learning more about Spain’s involvement in our war for independence. The interest picked up after Jesus Benayas, President of the House of Spain, spoke tothe crowd on why SAR was present, and the role Spain played in the Revolutionary War. Our Color-Guard-Commander, Duncan Campbell gave many demonstrations on the proper handling and characteristics of the Brown Bess musket. We had a few serious inquiries about becoming a member and a few teachers stop by and discuss the history of the war with a couple of them very interesting in using our material in their classroom. SDSAR participants; Duncan & Carolyn Campbell, Gary & Judy Newton, Jim McAdory, John Walker along with this wife and children

We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.

Jesus Benayas

Newsletter – November 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 16:28:11 +0000

November, 2022

Dear Members of the House of Spain, Casa de España, in San Diego:

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that
following Article 4 of the bylaws of the HOS, CDESD the General Assembly and the election of the Board of Directors will be held on Sunday, November 13, 2022, from five – nine o ́clock in the casita at Balboa Park, San Diego.

We remind all members that the payment of the 2023 membership dues should be made at the very latest at the beginning of the Assembly meeting to be able to nominate and vote. Every member who has paid membership fees and wants to vote may do so in person or by proxy at the Assembly (copy proxy form below if you wish to vote by proxy.)

The current President of the HOS/CDE in San Diego, Jesús Benayas, will preside over the Assembly and the Secretary, Pedro Romon Diaz, will fulfill the duties of secretary. Henry Herms, Sergeant of Arms, will preside over the elections. Members of the Board of Directors will be elected for a one-year term, from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. According to the bylaw, the general requirements are: “Candidates who are members in good standing and familiar with the history and culture of Spain shall be eligible to hold office. In addition, the candidates for President and Vice-President must have served on the Board of Directors for at least 1 year.”

The positions and qualifications for officers and directors are as follows (a complete description can be found within the by-laws online.)

President –Qualifications: Member in good standing, and familiar with the history and culture of Spain. Must have served on the Board of Directors for at least 1 year.
Responsibilities: Primary director of the organization, with the approval of the board of directors supervises and controls all aspects of the HOS, CDESD, presides over meetings, represents the organization at every level, takes responsibility and acts to enforce all the rules and guidelines.

Vice President – Qualifications: Same as President
Responsibilities: in the absence of the president, fulfill the corresponding functions of the president.

Secretary – Responsibilities: In charge of taking minutes and their availability, maintaining membership list, sending and responding to mail.

Treasurer – Responsibilities: Holder and custodian of the Association funds, primary person in charge of the use of said funds with the approval of the Board of Directors, oversees monthly reports, and oversees the necessary financial reports for government financial institutions.

Members of the Board (3) Varied functions.

CANDIDACY AND NOMINATIONS: Anyone who wants to present themselves for one or more positions can announce their candidacy in advance or on the same night as the General Assembly at the beginning of the election process. In order to have your name on the printed ballot, your nomination must be received by the secretary or Joaquin Anguera prior to 1 November. Those attending can nominate candidates for election as well. Candidates must have paid their 2023 membership dues. If they cannot be present the evening of the Assembly, their acceptance of the position in must be received in writing or by email to the secretary the day prior to the meeting.

In order to avoid irregularities, a period of time will be reserved to nominate and announce the candidates for each position. Those candidates who so desire will be able to address the assembly and present a brief global vision of their candidacy (maximum of five minutes for president and two minutes per all other positions.)

ELECTIONS: The name of each position and the respective candidates will be announced and if necessary be written on the whiteboard or on the television screen.

Voting by Proxy (Copy and send by email or in writing to the person receiving the proxy or to the secretary of the House of Spain, ( ) General Assembly of the House of Spain, Casa de España, in San Diego

Elections: November 13, 2022

I, (full name)_______________________________________ current member of the HOS,CDESD having paid my 2023 membership dues, by means of this statement, wish to make use of my right to vote during the upcoming elections, and not being able to attend the General Assembly on November 13, 2022 in person, delegate my vote and give permission to (full name)__________________________________________________ a 2023 paid member of the HOS/CDE in San Diego, being present at the General Assembly to vote on my behalf.

Date: __________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________

Notice for the General Assembly

After the meeting is called to order and the agenda has been accepted, there will be time for general comments. Comments will be limited depending on the number of speakers, but the total time for comments will last no longer than 20 minutes. The person wishing to speak must submit a “request to speak form” to a designated person before the meeting is called to order. Comments will be limited to the subject written on the “request to speak form”. Each person will be allowed to speak once.

If a person wants an action be taken, they should submit a motion to the board in writing. It must be received by mail or email to the secretary no later than three weeks prior to the general meeting. A motion should be specific and in the form of “I move that…”. The board or executive board will then decide if the motion should be placed on the agenda. If the motion is not accepted by the board, the person may ask that the motion be placed under new business. This is done when the members are asked if there are any changes to the agenda. If the membership accepts that change (simple majority vote), the motion can therefore be presented as new business. If the membership does not accept the change, the motion will not be considered.

Under New Business, the motion will have to be made and seconded before any discussion will be allowed. Any discussion must address the specific motion and be limited to one minute per person. Roberts Rules state that a member may speak twice but the second time only after each person wishing to speak has been given the opportunity.

Comments or discussion may be stopped by “laying the motion on the table,” this action needs a 2/3 majority. This in effect kills the motion.

Nomination Committee – House of Spain, Casa de España in San Diego

Joaquin Anguera has been kind enough to agree to head the nominating committee. Please speak with Joaquin if you want to nominate yourself as a candidate or if you know of someone you think would be a good candidate for the board. The person or persons wanting to be a board member should realize what is required of a board member and agree that their name be placed for nomination. If you wish to run for president, please confirm a slate of officer willing to serve alongside you and submit their names to Joaquin as well.

Telephone: 858-997-6341 – Email:

On Tuesday, October 5th, a plaque honoring Spanish martyrs who gave their lives during the American Revolutionary War was unveiled at Fort Greene Park. The tribute took place as part of Hispanic Heritage Month, which commemorates Hispanic contributions to U.S. history and culture. park/?fbclid=IwAR1_zvmiKLiiXHGY_LSYFTK3aL1C5MpILx40uyOh-PNPCb5fE4NGz6wJXEQ

Convocatoria proceso selectivo para elaboración relación candidatos para contratación como personal laboral temporal en régimen de interinidad por sustitución con la categoría de Subalterno

Para vuestra información y difusión que consideréis oportuna, se acaba de publicar en nuestra página web empleo.aspx

una convocatoria de proceso selectivo para la elaboración de una relación de candidatos para la contratación como personal laboral temporal, en régimen de interinidad por sustitución, con la categoría de Subalterno.

El Museo Naval inaugura una exposición sobre la contribución de la Armada española a la independencia americana

We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.

Jesus Benayas

Newsletter – September 2022 Thu, 29 Sep 2022 19:29:59 +0000

September, 2022

Dear HOS Members,

Next month, as it is customary, House of Spain will celebrate the “Día Nacional de España” on Sunday 9 of October, coinciding with the Lawn Program at the International Houses in Balboa Park. As usual, members of the HOS will receive FREE PAELLA, two bowls of paellas for “Family membership” and one bowl of paella for “Individual membership”, non-members we will charge $12.00 per bowl. The paella will be ready to eat starting at 11:30 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthems, presentation, and flamenco show will start at 2:00 PM. Please let your relatives and friends know about this event and I hope to see you all there.

European drought unearths sunken Nazi warships, ‘Spanish Stonehenge’

Archaeologists are rushing to study some of the surfaced relics amid the worst drought that Europe has seen in centuries.

La Dra. Díaz Ayuso fue otorgada la medalla del Principado de Asturias y ella ha contestado con este discurso: 

En un chiste de Mingote en ABC, un nieto le preguntaba a su abuelo: «Abuelo, ¿te preocupa que yo no sepa quién fue don Pelayo?», y el abuelo le contestaba con cariño: «No, hijo, lo que me preocupa es que no sepas quién eres tú». 

Esta es la razón última de estudiar Historia, no solo en el colegio, sino durante toda la vida: saber quién es uno, de dónde se viene y adónde se puede ir. Y no es casualidad que los totalitarios procedan desde el primer momento a silenciar y manipular la Historia. 

Que el Cuerpo de la Nobleza del Principado de Asturias tenga a bien conmemorar el 1300 aniversario de la Batalla de Covadonga, y que se acuerde de mí para hacerlo, entregándome además esta medalla, es un honor y una responsabilidad. 

Esta responsabilidad la ejercerá mi Gobierno aplicando todas las mejoras necesarias, dentro de sus competencias, para contrarrestar en lo posible el daño causado por la postergación de la Historia de España, y los mismos  conceptos de España y la Hispanidad, en los planes de estudio del Gobierno de Sánchez. Para que los jóvenes que estudien en la Comunidad de Madrid sí puedan saber quiénes son. 

Conmemoramos en este acto la Batalla de Covadonga, que Claudio Sánchez Albornoz situó, por primera vez, en el 722, hace ahora 1.300 años. La batalla que, según nuestra Historia, mezclada en este caso con la tradición, frenó la invasión musulmana del 711 y dio comienzo a la Reconquista. 
La “Reconquista” no debería ser un término cualquiera para un español, pero tampoco para ningún europeo. 
Un Historiador tan moderno como egregio, catedrático de instituto y académico, Antonio Domínguez Ortiz, decía que la  romanización y la reconquista constituyeron, respectivamente, la base de nuestra unidad nacional y  el generador de la individualidad hispánica. Nada menos. 

La Reconquista no se parece a nada que haya ocurrido en ninguna otra nación del mundo. Durante casi ocho siglos, España luchó por seguir siendo europea, Occidental y libre. ¿Qué otra nación del mundo ha sido sometida en un proceso semejante de conquista e islamización y se puede llamar hoy “Occidente”? Esta unicidad de España tuvo unas consecuencias que alimentaron las raíces más profundas del ser hispánico, que nos permitió dar al mundo algunos de los mejores frutos de la Historia. 
Desde muy pronto, tras la hazaña de don Pelayo y los suyos, caló el sentimiento de la llamada «España perdida».

No me canso de repetir el término «España» pese a los que niegan que España ya existiera entonces. No es cierto lo que dicen. 
Un siglo antes de la Batalla de Covadonga, uno de los mayores sabios de la Historia de la Humanidad, cuya estatua nos recibe aquí cerca, en las escaleras de entrada a la Biblioteca Nacional, San Isidoro de Sevilla, ya escribía:  «De todas las tierras que se extienden desde el mar de Occidente hasta la India tú eres la más hermosa. ¡Sacra y venturosa España, madre de príncipes y de pueblos!». El germen de esta España libre es lo que hoy conmemoramos aquí. 

Como vemos, son muchas las lecciones de este momento crucial de nuestra Historia, que algunos quisieran, por desgracia, borrar. 
Como explicó Julián Marías, estos siglos de lucha también nos enseñaron a convivir con «el otro», a tratarlo como el enemigo invasor, sí, pero como persona. Cuando para el resto de europeos los musulmanes eran poco menos que unos seres monstruosos, para nosotros eran los que vivían junto a nosotros en nuestra “España perdida”: con los que hacíamos la guerra, la paz, o el amor… Este empeño histórico y esta vivencia humana que se dieron simultáneamente nos permitieron nuestros mayores logros en la Historia, casi incomprensibles para muchos: 
• El Camino De Santiago, que es la gran vía europea de fe y cultura, aún viva. 
• La Escuela de Traductores de Toledo, que recuperó la herencia de los clásicos greco-latinos, preparando así el terreno para nuestro Siglo de Oro y el del resto de Europa. 

• Las primeras Cortes de la Historia, en León, en 1188. 

• El diseño de la Diplomacia Moderna, junto con el Papado, en tiempos de los Reyes Católicos. 

• La elaboración de la primera doctrina moderna del llamado después Derecho Internacional y de la primera escuela de liberalismo, la Escuela de Salamanca. 

• Los primeros Códigos de Derechos Humanos de la Historia: las Leyes de Burgos, y las posteriores Leyes de Indias.  

• Y nace el gran logro: la Hispanidad, que culminaría en la institución de los Virreinatos y del maravilloso Barroco Hispanoamericano. 

Como ven, nada de esto podría haber ocurrido sin la hazaña de don Pelayo y la empresa a la que dio comienzo. 
Ahora se entiende mejor el que esa “España perdida”, una España cristiana, europea, libre, fuera el referente de muchas generaciones consecutivas, y el germen de este espíritu español, que luego la Monarquía Hispánica haría universal. 
¿Cómo vamos a olvidarnos de todo esto? ¿Y por qué? ¿Quién gana y qué gana? Solo el resentimiento o la ignorancia más suicida pueden llevar a España, a Hispanoamérica o a Europa entera a olvidar o desconocer todo esto que hoy celebramos; precisamente en momentos tan terribles y decisivos. 
Nuestra Historia común y única nos hace, nos enseña y nos llama, desde el pasado, a construir el futuro. 

Mi responsabilidad hoy al recibir esta medalla era recordarla, y como responsable política es mi deber garantizar que los niños y jóvenes de la Comunidad recuperemos juntos la España perdida o en peligro de perderse. 
¡Qué bonito y qué didáctico discurso de Ayuso. Brillante!

All about figs

– by Nina Yguerabide 

Maruja and I were looking at the fig tree at the casita today and I remembered an article I read about figs. Here it is! 

FIGS: NOT FRUIT, Did You Know? 

A fig is not just an ordinary fruit, in fact, it’s not even a fruit. 

Strictly speaking, figs are inverted flowers. 

Figs don’t bloom in the same way as other fruit trees like almonds or cherries. 

Figs have a very curious history. 

First, they’re technically not a fruit, but an in fruity (a set of fruits). 

And secondly, they need a slaughtered wasp to breed, an insect that dies inside the fig. 

In a nutshell, figs are a kind of inverted flowers that bloom inside this large, dark, red-hued bud we know as figs. 

Each flower produces a single nut, and a single seed called an “aquarium”. 

The fig is made up of several branches, which give it this characteristic crunchy texture. 

Therefore, when we eat one fig, we are eating hundreds of fruits. 

But the most amazing thing, it’s the special pollination process that fig flowers need to reproduce. 

They can’t depend on whether, the wind or the bees bring pollen as other fruits, so they need a species known as the fig wasps. 

These insects transport their genetic material and allow it to reproduce. 

For their part, wasps couldn’t live without figs, as they deposit their larvae inside the fruit. 

This relationship is known as symbiosis or mutualism. 

Currently, the vast majority of producers of this fruit no longer need the work of wasps. 

Most fig varieties for human consumption are part non-genetic. 

This means they always bear fruit in the absence of a pollinator.

Thomas Jefferson to Peter Carr, August 10, 1787 

 Spanish. Bestow great attention on this, and endeavor to acquire an accurate knowledge of it. Our future connections with Spain and Spanish America will render that language a valuable acquisition. The antient history of a great part of America too is written in that language. I send you a dictionary.

Transcription source:  

Scan of the letter: 

La olvidada prohibición de Franco para proteger el origen español de la Coca-Cola 


Cuando la España imperial se asentó en Taiwán pero mantuvo buenas relaciones con China  

No, Santidad, España no impuso su lengua en América – ReL  


We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.

Jesus Benayas

Newsletter – October 2022 Tue, 27 Sep 2022 20:05:41 +0000

October, 2022

Dear HOS Members,

Once more, House of Spain will be celebrating the “Día Nacional de España” on Sunday 9 of October, coinciding with the Lawn Program at the International Houses in Balboa Park. As usual, House of Spain members will receive FREE PAELLA, two bowls of paellas for “Family membership” and one bowl of paella for “Individual membership”, non-members we will charge $12.00 per bowl. The paella will be ready to eat starting at 11:30 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthems, presentation, and show by the famous David de Alva will start at 2:00 PM. We encourage people to come dress with regional costumes. Please let your relatives and friends know about this event and I hope to see you all there.

Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born in Málaga, a historic port city on Spain’s southern coast. His middle-class family—his father was an art professor—relocated several times during Picasso’s childhood, allowing him to visit the Prado Museum for the first time in 1895. After a rigorous academic training in Madrid, Picasso moved to Paris, where he worked closely with artists including Georges Braque, Juan Gris, and Henri Matisse. Around 1907, he and Braque pioneered Cubism, the shockingly abstract new art form that altered perspective with intersecting planes of space. Within this framework he also began incorporating African visual motifs. Picasso’s art, and his unwavering commitment to creative practice, changed the course of international modernism. 

A giant of modernism in his adopted France, Picasso never abandoned his Spanish artistic origins, rooted in his visionary forbears, El Greco—whom he called “Cubist in construction”—and Velázquez and Goya. Picasso’s artistic genius, at least in part, came from a profound understanding of the Western tradition, and a willingness to turn it on its head. 

Picasso: Drawings and Prints showcases 17 works on paper by Picasso, one ink drawing by Henri Matisse, and a ceramic piece by Picasso. All works of art featured are from the Museum’s permanent collection. The exhibition is curated by Michael A. Brown, Ph.D, Curator of European Art, The San Diego Museum of Art. 
Enjoy an evening of music by award-winning pianist Dario Martin as he performs concertos that respond to Picasso: Drawings and Prints, on view now at The San Diego Museum of Art. This program is part of ¡Felicidades, Maestro!, a concert series performed in honor of Joaquín Achúcarro’s 90th birthday, and presented in partnership with the Embassy of Spain and Consulates of Spain throughout the US. 

Joaquín Achúcarro is a world-renowned Spanish pianist who has won two of Spain’s most prestigious awards: National Music Award by the Spanish government and the Gold Medal of Fine Arts, awarded by King Juan Carlos I. The Joaquín Achúcarro Foundation was founded to showcase, educate, and benefit the careers of pianists, while developing and maintaining the legacy of Joaquín Achúcarro in perpetuity. 

Dario Martin is a legacy pianist of the Joaquín Achúcarro Foundation. Martin has won first prizes in international piano competitions in Cuba, Costa Rica, Mexico, and the United States. In 2018 he won the Concerto Competition at Indiana University, performing Ligeti’s Piano Concerto as a soloist. 

Ticket holders are encouraged to view the Picasso exhibition before the seated, one-hour concert in the Museum’s historic rotunda. 

Location: The San Diego Museum of Art 
Sunday, October 2 
6:00–7:00 p.m. Picasso exhibition open to ticket holders 
7:00–8:00 p.m. Concert 
Museum Rotunda 
More info and tickets:

House of Spain General Assembly Information 
October 2022 

Dear Members of the House of Spain, Casa de España, in San Diego: 

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that following Article 4 of the bylaws of the HOS, CDESD the General Assembly and the election of the Board of Directors will be held on Sunday, November 13, 2022, from five – nine o´clock in the casita at Balboa Park, San Diego.  

We remind all members that the payment of the 2023 membership dues should be made at the very latest at the beginning of the Assembly meeting to be able to nominate and vote.  

Every member who has paid membership fees and wants to vote may do so in person or by proxy at the Assembly (copy proxy form below if you wish to vote by proxy.) 

The current President of the HOS/CDE in San Diego, Jesús Benayas, will preside over the Assembly and the Secretary, Pedro Romon Diaz, will fulfill the duties of secretary.  Henry Herms, Sergeant of Arms, will preside over the elections.

Members of the Board of Directors will be elected for a one-year term, from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. According to the bylaw, the general requirements are:   “Candidates who are members in good standing and familiar with the history and culture of Spain shall be eligible to hold office. In addition, the candidates for President and Vice-President must have served on the Board of Directors for at least 1 year.”  
The positions and qualifications for officers and directors are as follows (a complete description can be found within the by-laws online.) 

President –Qualifications: Member in good standing, and familiar with the history and culture of Spain. Must have served on the Board of Directors for at least 1 year.  
Responsibilities: Primary director of the organization, with the approval of the board of directors supervises and controls all aspects of the HOS, CDESD, presides over meetings, represents the organization at every level, takes responsibility and acts to enforce all the rules and guidelines.  
Vice President – Qualifications: Same as President 
Responsibilities: in the absence of the president, fulfill the corresponding functions of the president. 
Secretary –   Responsibilities:  In charge of taking minutes and their availability, maintaining membership list, sending and responding to mail. 
Treasurer – Responsibilities:  Holder and custodian of the Association funds, primary person in charge of the use of said funds with the approval of the Board of Directors, oversees monthly reports, and oversees the necessary financial reports for government financial institutions. 
Members of the Board (3) Varied functions. 

CANDIDACY AND NOMINATIONS:  Anyone who wants to present themselves for one or more positions can announce their candidacy in advance or on the same night as the General Assembly at the beginning of the election process.

In order to have your name on the printed ballot, your nomination must be received by the secretary or Joaquin Anguera prior to 1 November. Those attending can nominate candidates for election as well.  Candidates must have paid their 2023 membership dues.  If they cannot be present the evening of the Assembly, their acceptance of the position in must be received in writing or by email to the secretary the day prior to the meeting. 

In order to avoid irregularities, a period of time will be reserved to nominate and announce the candidates for each position. Those candidates who so desire will be able to address the assembly and present a brief global vision of their candidacy (maximum of five minutes for president and two minutes per all other positions.) 

ELECTIONS:  The name of each position and the respective candidates will be announced and if necessary be written on the whiteboard or on the television screen. 

Voting by Proxy (Copy and send by email or in writing to the person receiving the proxy or to the secretary of the House of Spain, (  ) General Assembly of the House of Spain, Casa de España, in San Diego.
Elections:  November 13, 2022

I, (full name)_______________________________________ current member of the HOS,CDESD having paid my 2023 membership dues,  by means of this statement, wish to make use of my right to vote during the upcoming elections, and not being able to attend the General Assembly on November 13, 2022 in person, delegate my vote and give permission to (full name)__________________________________________________ a 2023 paid member of the HOS/CDE in San Diego,  being present at the General Assembly to vote on my behalf. 
Date: __________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________ 

After the meeting is called to order and the agenda has been accepted, there will be time for general comments. Comments will be limited depending on the number of speakers, but the total time for comments will last no longer than 20 minutes. The person wishing to speak must submit a “request to speak form” to a designated person before the meeting is called to order. Comments will be limited to the subject written on the “request to speak form”.  Each person will be allowed to speak once. 
If a person wants an action be taken, they should submit a motion to the board in writing. It must be received by mail or email to the secretary no later than three weeks prior to the general meeting. A motion should be specific and in the form of “I move that…”. The board or executive board will then decide if the motion should be placed on the agenda. If the motion is not accepted by the board, the person may ask that the motion be placed under new business. This is done when the members are asked if there are any changes to the agenda. If the membership accepts that change (simple majority vote), the motion can therefore be presented as new business. If the membership does not accept the change, the motion will not be considered.  
Under New Business, the motion will have to be made and seconded before any discussion will be allowed. Any discussion must address the specific motion and be limited to one minute per person. Roberts Rules state that a member may speak twice but the second time only after each person wishing to speak has been given the opportunity.  
Comments or discussion may be stopped by “laying the motion on the table,” this action needs a 2/3 majority. This in effect kills the motion.  

Nomination Committee – House of Spain, Casa de España in San Diego 

Joaquin Anguera has been kind enough to agree to head the nominating committee. Please speak with Joaquin if you want to nominate yourself as a candidate or if you know of someone you think would be a good candidate for the board.  The person or persons wanting to be a board member should realize what is required of a board member and agree that their name be placed for nomination. If you wish to run for president, please confirm a slate of officer willing to serve alongside you and submit their names to Joaquin as well. 

                                   Telephone: 858-997-6341 – Email: 

Pedro Romon-Diaz, Secretary, 

House of Spain, Casa de España, in San Diego 

We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.

Jesus Benayas

Newsletter – August 2022 Mon, 08 Aug 2022 16:41:52 +0000

August, 2022

Dear HOS Members, 
I hope that you are having an enjoyable Summer with your family and friends. I know that many of you have gone back to Spain to visit your parents, family and friends and mentioned to me that it was very hot, unusually hot. Also, some of you got covit-19 during your visit but all of you were able to recover with no problems.  Others have had visitors from Spain in San Diego, and they have enjoyed our wonderful marine layer that keep our temperature nice and cool at night. Enjoy the rest of the Summer and be safe! 

The links below is the article published in Spain, El Pais newspaper, about the Spanish plaque removed from the Cabrillo National Monument and returned to the HOS.

July 18, 2022 English version:  


July 15, 2022 Spanish version:  


La independencia que EEUU le debe a España y de la que ahora habla Biden 


La broma de Biden a Felipe VI que dejó al Rey a carcajada limpia 



Los 16 teatros romanos más impresionantes de España 


Luces y sombras de la primera vuelta al mundo: el origen español de Magallanes y el verdadero nombre de Elcano | Famosos  


El gigantesco desastre militar de los ingleses en el Caribe español que no aparece en los libros de historia

We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.

Jesus Benayas

Newsletter – July 2022 Fri, 01 Jul 2022 19:06:12 +0000

July, 2022

Dear HOS Members,
This month, on Saturday 16 of July at 6:30 PM, I will be giving a presentation at the casita on the History of the Cabrillo National Monument. To me, it is an amazing history, if you think you know the facts, I assure you that most of you don’t. How many of you have read the thesis by Susan Collins Lehmann that she wrote and was published by the Cabrillo Historical Association in 1987? The title of the thesis: An Embarrassment of Riches.
This document can be found at the National Park Service (NPS) website below. An Embarrassment of Riches, The Administrative History of Cabrillo National Monument that relates to how people in the community, and other places, on purpose changed the nationality of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo as Portuguese.
I hope that you can make it, and do not forget to make a reservation, since sitting is limited,

Battle of San Diego Bay Ceremony

After three years of not being able to have this event, due to the covid-19 pandemic, finally last month we celebrated once again the Battle of San Diego Bay at the Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL). Captain Kenneth R. Franklin, Consul General of Spain in Los Angeles, Juna Carlos Sanchez Alonso, Consul Honorary of Spain in San Diego, Rosaura Picasso Marrow, and her husband Larry Morrow, Spanish Naval officer Commander Eduardo Almazan and his wife Maria Jose Noguerol, Spanish Army Major Aurelio Hinarejos Rojo and his wife Sandra Rebok, members of the House of Spain and members of several organizations for present at this event. We want to thank the NBPL for their consistent support that they gave us since 1978 in commemorating this historical event at the Fort Guijarros site. Major Hinarejos Rojo was the Keynote Speaker who is from the same branch of the Spanish Army Corp of Engineers that was Alberto de Cordoba, in charge of the defenses in California and designer of the original Fort Guijarros in 1787. 

Special thanks to Maruja and Bob Williams for their support of shopping and setting up a very nice tapas and drinks area at the Smugglers Cove Park where people congregated after the ceremony to mingle, talk and meet each other. Thank you all for your cooperation!


Aging Issues Seem to Take Center Stage

Collage from the extraordinary presentations last Saturday 4 and Saturday 18 of June, by Dr. Joaquin Anguera, Gerontologist. The topics were excellent, the conversation very real on today’s issues for older people, and the reality of those of us that live a long-life eye opening. Thank you, Joaquin!

The Board of Directors (BOD) of the House of Spain (HOS), want to thank Ms. Elena Stonehouse and Ms. Carmen Jativa for their participation representing the HOS in the House of Pacific Relations (HPR) in the past 2021-2022 year!

We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.

Jesus Benayas

Newsletter – June 2022 Mon, 06 Jun 2022 15:42:00 +0000

June, 2022

Dear HOS Members, The House of Pacific Relations (HPR) did not get the city permit for the Ethnic Food Fair (EFF) so there will not be EFF on the Memorial Day weekend. However, due to some of the members asking about when we were going to have paella available, HOS will cook one paella on Saturday 28 of May for those of you that would like to come and buy the paella at the casita. Paella will be ready and available for sale from 11:00 AM until it is all sold out. Some of you may remember when we celebrated the Battle of San Diego Bay (BOSDB) inside the Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL), at the base of the Fort Guijarros Museum plaque monument, with the 1803 Flags of Spain and the United States.

This year we will have a small version of the BOSDB on Saturday 11 of June at NOON. The NBPL CEO has given us the approval for this event and the Consul General of Spain in Los Angeles has accepted to come. HOS will be sending the information to our members, and we will need you to RSVP to the email in June. We will need the first names and last names of the persons that are planning to come so they will be allowed into the NBPL. This event will be much smaller that previous years, and there will be NO PAELLA OR DANCES, JUST A CEREMONY AND GET TOGETHER AT THE NBPL.

Another Successful Event of Cervantes Festival by Alcala-San Diego Sister City and House of Spain

Thank you to everyone that helped both organizations to make this event a success one more year. A special thanks to Maruja and Bob Williams for their donation of sandwiches, donuts, and chips to all the students and helpers of the event.

Thank you, Juanita Franco, and your Ole Flamenco Academy crew, for your constant support to many events of the HOS. You and your Academy ROCKS! The crew of the HOS, Evangelina Yguerabide, Maruja Williams, Asuncion Lusti, Regli Dee, Consuelo Porto Taboada, Bob Williams, Philip Hinshaw, Pedro Romon-Diaz, Gerard Corrales, David Buenaventura, and Jesus Benayas was exceptional and without your help our contribution to the festival would have not been possible. Thank you to all of you!

House of Spain wants to thank Dr. Scott Dale (Marquette University) for his extraordinary presentation on the Origins of Innovative Modernity in Spain: The elusive 18th Century (this past Saturday, May 14, 2022) at the casita.

Also, our most gracious thank you to Mrs. Gemma Dale for the excellent sangria and tapas that she provided for the attendees after the conference. The video of the conference is available to see on this link: Thank you, David Buenaventura, for making the video and putting it on YouTube! House of Spain gave Dr. Dale a book copy of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo (JRC), by Dr. Wendy Kramer. Scott was not aware that 1500’s original documents had been found proving that JRC was born in Spain.


Aging Issues Seem to Take Center Stage

Please join us on these two presentations at the casita, on Saturday 4 and Saturday 18 of June, Dr. Joaquin Anguera, Gerontologist, will be giving presentations on “Aging Issues”.

“Note that there are two different, complementary, topics. Given that some of our membership feels more comfortable with Spanish, we will have the first talk in this language and the second one in English” RSVP is required, so please let us know if you will be coming to only one or both presentations. You will receive a separate email to make this reservations.


El Congreso deroga el voto rogado y pacta un nuevo sistema para votar en el extranjero en las próximas generales


· Elimina el requisito de rogar el voto y amplía los centros, horarios y días para la votación en urna
· La proposición de ley se elevará ahora al Pleno del Congreso para su aprobación en junio y su posterior remisión al Senado

We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.

Jesus Benayas

Newsletter – May 2022 Mon, 09 May 2022 16:08:09 +0000

May, 2022

Dear HOS Members, We still do not know if the Ethnic Food Fair will take place at the end of May, due to some delays between the Parks and Recreations and the House of Pacific Relations. We will let you know by email as soon as we know.

I want to congratulate everybody that helped in the Cervantes Festival. San Diego/Alcala Sister City Society and House of Spain did a magnificent job putting together this event, thank you to all of you that made this possible. This success would have not been possible without each of your hard work and cooperation!

I want to congratulate Estrella Diaz Sánchez (ex-Board member of the HOS in San Diego) for her new position in the “Smart Tourism Destinations” in the European Union and an award by the Regional Government of Castilla La Mancha. Read more in the two articles below.

Next month, on Saturday 14 of May, HOS will have a presentation by Dr. Scott Dale, Professor of Spanish Literature from the University of Marquette, Wisconsin, on “Origins of Innovative Modernity in Spain: The Elusive 18th Century”. More information will be available by email and on our website.

Also, in the month of June, we will have two presentations by Dr. Joaquin Anguera, one in Spanish on June 4, the other in English on June 18, the subject: “Aging Issues Seem to Take Center Stage”. More information will be available by email and on our website.

For those of you that know Spanish, I recommend that you read the “CARTA DE HERNAN CORTES AL PRESIDENTE DE MEJICO” published in the Diario de Cadiz by Jesus Maeso de la Torre. The link is further down in this newsletter.

Queen Sofia Spanish Institute New York

In a ceremony chaired by H.M. Queen Sofia, the Queen Sofia Spanish Institute presented the Electronic Biographical Dictionary (DB~e) of the Royal Academy of History for the first time in the Americas. Ceremony speakers included Carmen Iglesias, Director of the Royal Academy of History; Jaime Olmedo, Technical Director of the Electronic Biographical Dictionary at the Royal Academy of History; and Richard L. Kagan, American Historian and Hispanist, Professor Emeritus of history at Johns Hopkins University. The Electronic Biographical Dictionary (DB~e) of the Royal Academy of History is a digital resource created to access the largest database of content about historical figures from Spain and other territories that once formed part of the Spanish Administration. The Electronic Biographical Dictionary of the Royal Academy of History contains: – More than 50,000 figures from the history of Spain – 2,700 years of history – A worldwide geographic scope, with special attention to all the territories that, in addition to the Iberian Peninsula, formed part of the Spanish Administration – 2,000 professions – 4,500 authors, Spaniards and other international authors – 500 national and international contributing institutions.

Charla sobre Dra Ángeles Alvariño

El día 2 de abril tuvo lugar en la House of Spain, Casa de España de SD (HOSSD) la charla que impartió Ángeles Leira sobre su madre la Dra. Ángeles Alvariño.








La charla fue organizada por el CRE-LA en colaboración con HOSSD La charla fue todo un éxito, y muy amena. Ángeles habló sobre su madre a título personal, relatando la vida de su madre desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte, y explicando su trayectoria como científica. Los invitados participaron activamente con preguntas. Después de la charla hubo un piscolabis en la que una vez más participaron los asistentes a la charla, compartiendo sus mejores claros y una copita de vino.

El CRE LA quiere agradecer a Ángeles Leira, a la Casa de España en SD (HOSSD) y a todos los asistentes por tan exitoso evento.

La profesora de la UCLM Estrella Díaz es elegida experta en turismo inteligente por la Comisión Europe 

La Comisión Europea ha seleccionado a la profesora de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) Estrella Díaz Sánchez dentro del grupo de diez expertos en el ámbito del turismo, la digitalización y la gestión de datos que participará en el proyecto ‘Smart Tourism Destinations’ (Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes). Se trata de una iniciativa pionera en Europa y tiene como objetivo principal crear las directrices que debenseguir los destinos turísticos en el territorio europeo para ser inteligentes.

Read more here and here.


“España admitió a la América india en su modelo de sociedad, extremo este que jamás concibieron los franceses, ingleses u holandeses en sus colonias” según Jesus Maeso de la Torre. Read more.


The Board of Directors of the House of Spain greatly appreciate the $500.00 anonymous donation from a member of the HOS. This person recognizes and supports the work that HOS does and provides to this community and visitors from all over the world, with historical and local information. Thank you for your generous contributions!

We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.

Jesus Benayas

Newsletter – April 2022 Fri, 01 Apr 2022 22:44:01 +0000

April, 2022

Dear HOS Members, 
Spring has arrived, and people are going out to Balboa Park once again.  It is wonderful to see hundreds of people walking around the park and enjoying the many beautiful things that Balboa Park has to offer. HOS has seen an increase of people at our casita and people keep making comments of how beautiful our cottage is.  

Our beloved dedicated friend and member Angeles Leira will give a presentation at the HOS this coming Saturday 2 of April at 6:00PM, about her mother a distinguished scientist Angeles Alvariño. This has been possible thanks to the cooperation of the CRE-LA and the HOS. The presentation will be in SPANISH ONLY. 

This coming Saturday 23 of April, starting at 10:00 AM we will be celebrating the Cervantes Festival with our San Diego/Alcala Sister City Society at the Lawn Program area by the House of Spain. Students and community people will read passages of Don Quijote de la Mancha, paella and drinks will be available for sale, as well as a flamenco show by Juanita Franco’s Academy Ole Flamenco, and Spanish and Latin guitar music. I hope that you can join us, enjoy a fresh made paella and have a wonderful day at the park! 


The Father of Modern Neuroscience,Santiago Ramón y Cajal,Discovered the Basic Unit of the Nervous System!

Modern brain science as we know it began with the work of a scientist whose creative thought sprang from memories of a childhood spent in the preindustrial Spanish countryside

•By Benjamin Ehrlich | Scientific American April 2022 Issue

Hour after hour, year after year, Santiago Ramón y Cajal sat alone in his home laboratory, head bowed and back hunched, his black eyes staring down the barrel of a microscope, the sole object tethering him to the outside world. His wide forehead and aquiline nose gave him the look of a distinguished, almost regal, gentleman, although the crown of his head was as bald as a monk’s. Read More.

Discovering the Constitution of Cadiz

August 3, 2011 by Kelly Buchanan 

The following is a guest post by Ángel García, a summer intern in the Law Library’s Global Legal Research Center. 


March 19, 2012, will be the 200th anniversary of the Constitution of Cádiz.  Seizing on the opportunity while interning at the Law Library of Congress, I asked the rare book technician, Nathan Dorn, to find me an original copyofthis1812Constitution. 

The Spanish Constitution of 1812 was passed in the Oratorio San Felipe.  Its passage coincided with the celebration of the feast of St. Joseph and it was therefore given the nickname “La Pepa.”  The Constitution was applied during only six years due to the tumultuous period in which it was adopted (independence wars and several revolutions and civil wars). 

The Constitution is not only a milestone in Spanish history, but it is also a universal milestone. 

The Spanish Constitution of Cádiz was approved during the time of the French invasion (Cádiz was one of the few cities that was not invaded) and its main inspirations were the old laws of the Kingdom of Spain as well as the enlightened liberalism of the French and U.S. constitutions.  It shattered the utopian character of the French constitution, but also used enlightenment elements that constituted a very particular revolution against the “Old Regime” in the Spanish empire. 


We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.

Jesus Benayas

Newsletter – March 2022 Tue, 01 Mar 2022 06:58:00 +0000

March, 2022

Dear HOS Members,

It is with sadness and a heavy heart I am letting you know that last Wednesday 16 of February, Rudy Lusti, husband of Susi Lusti, passed away. Our most sincere condolences to Susi and Family.

Once again, all the HPR cottages are open to the public on the weekends. Let us hope that this time will be for good! We need your help as a volunteer at the casita on Saturdays and Sundays, between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM, even if it is only for a few hours. Most members that have done this have enjoyed talking to the visitors from all over the world.

Another way to help and support the House of Spain is by selecting our organization when you do shop on AmazonSmile and Amazon will donate a half-percent of each purchase to the House of Spain in San Diego!

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support House of Spain in San Diego every time you shop – and it comes at zero cost to you. It’s a donation made by Amazon in your honor. You just must select us at and use instead of Amazon.comwhenever you shop.

At, you will find the exact same low prices, vast selection, and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to us to help our organization. Here’s how to get started: 1. Visit It’s just like shopping on the regular site. 2. Sign in. You can use your existing Amazon credentials. If you don’t have an account, you can create a new one. 3. Start shopping. After you’ve chosen us as your charity — (House of Spain Casa De Espana in San Diego) — your shopping experience will be the same as it is on the Amazon website. Remember,  purchases on the main site do not support us so please bookmark for the future. 4. Spread the word. Once you’ve checked out, Amazon makes it easy to spread the news to your friends through Facebook and Twitter. Please be sure to let everyone know you’ve supported House of Spain in San Diego. Click here to sign up and start shopping!

Marià Fortuny in San Diego!

Where: San Diego Museum of Art 1450 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92102


When: until July 17, 2022
+ Exhibition info: here | Tickets: here


Marià Fortuny i Marsal (1838–1874) was born in the Catalonian city of Reus. During a prolific but brief career he became the most internationally acclaimed Spanish artist thanks in part due to his extensive travel and the popularity of his prints. His oil paintings and watercolors were a source of inspiration to later artists such as Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida and Pablo Picasso, while his graphic work, most notably in etching, continued a tradition in keeping with Rembrandt van Rijn, Jusepe de Ribera, and Francisco Goya.

Trained in Barcelona at the Escuela de Bellas Artes, Fortuny was awarded a pension to study in Rome in 1857. He made at least three trips to North Africa, notably to Tangier and Tetouan, which inspired a series of etchings he undertook in his Roman studio. He also traveled to Naples and Paris, while continuing his exploration of Islamic themes during visits to Granada and Sevilla, major historic centers of Al-Andalus, as Islamic Spain was known. He was also an erudite collector of Persian, Ibero-Islamic, and Mudéjar decorative arts.

A consummate student of Spain’s Golden Age artistic heritage, he made numerous watercolor studies after Velázquez, El Greco, Ribera, and Goya, and works by these artists appear in the background of compositions such as Election of the Model (1868–1874, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC). The etching after this work is included in the display. In his admiration of the Spanish Old Masters, and through his travels to North Africa and interest in Islamic art and culture, Fortuny’s body of work anticipated John Singer Sargent’s colorism and interest in Spain and the Islamic world. Both were international Modernists grounded in a deep appreciation for the past.

Spain, the first globalization: The Spanish voyage

Watch the movie by clicking on the link below (Only Spanish version)
España, la primera globalización: El camino español

Another video on: How much do you know about Spain’s long-lasting impact on the U.S.? Spanish support for the American revolution

Life on a XVI century ship | La vida en un navío del siglo XVI

We need your help to be an “ambassador” at the casita on Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I sincerely thank you for your support and membership.

Jesus Benayas
