2172 Pan American E. Rd.

San Diego, CA 92101



The House of Spain, Casa de España in San Diego is located within the House of Pacific Relations International Cottages, in Balboa Park. La Casita is open to the public every Sunday from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Directions to Balboa Park and to the House of Spain, Casa de España in San Diego:
When on Park Blvd., Turn west from Park Blvd to President’s Way.

Southbound from I-5

Take the 10th Avenue Exit off I-5. Turn left on “A” Street and left again on Park Blvd. Follow the signs to Balboa Park.

Northbound from I-5 Take the Pershing Drive/B Street exit off I-5 to Pershing Drive. Take Pershing and then turn left on Florida Drive. Turn left on Zoo Place to Park Blvd. Left on Park Blvd.

Southbound from Hwy 163 Take the Park Blvd. exit off Hwy 163. Turn left on Park Blvd. Follow the signs to Balboa Park.
Turn west from Park Blvd to President’s Way