2172 Pan American E. Rd.

San Diego, CA 92101



Newsletter – February 2021

Newsletter – February 2021

February, 2021

Dear HOS Members,
I hope that all of you continue to be well and healthy, as we continue with the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. As you may have heard, two vaccines have been approved so far, and vaccination is on its way for all of us, even though it may take several months before all of us that want to be vaccinated will be vaccinated. Hang in there and be very careful for the next several months.

It is with great sadness to let you know of the sudden death of our member Ronnie Morales (mom of Alan and Alex) on January 19, 2021. Currently, I do not know the cause of her sudden death and an autopsy is pending at the coroner office of San Diego. Please keep Ronnie, daughters and sons in your thoughts and prayers. If you would like to send a sympathy/condolences card to her family, please send to:

Family of Ronnie Morales
3806 Fairmount Ave, Apt 120
San Diego CA 92105

I want to thank Josefina Gomez, for her generous donation to buy a podium for the casita. It is something that she has wanted to do for a while and this year the “Reyes Magos” has brought it to us. Also thank you to Sagrario Din for her donation to the HOS. Thank you, to both of you.

Of Interest

The Hispanic Council has published a great report on “Spanish Heritage in the United States Capitol” (La Herencia Española en el Capitolio de Estados Unidos) in Spanish and English. Below you will find a pdf copy for your enjoyment:

Spanish Heritage in the Unites States Capitol (English Version)

La Herencia Española en el Capitolio de Estados Unidos (Spanish Version)

I am also including the article that came out on the San Diego Union Tribune by Emily Behzadi, “Latinos Deserve National Museum” and my letter to the editors.

Latinos Deserve National Museum

Letter to the Editors.

I will keep you posted regarding the re-opening of House of Spain as soon as we hear from the City and HPR. Personally I do not think that anything will happen until May of June of 2021.

Please feel free to reach out to us at contact@houseofspain.org any time.